What’s New
Public Hearing on the Draft 2027-2036 CNHRPC Transportation Improvement Program
The 2027-2036 CNRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) was approved by the CNHRPC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on March 21, 2025 and is set for a public hearing before the CNHRPC Full Commission at their meeting on March 27, 2025. The meeting will be located at the Horseshoe Pond Place Community Resource Center, 26 Commercial Street, Concord NH.
The TIP is a culmination of work beginning in July of 2024 seeking confirmation of continued support for transportation projects in the current 2025-2034 NHDOT Ten Year Plan, and soliciting new projects for consideration in the upcoming 2027-2036 Ten Year Plan. Several new potential projects were proposed by CNHRPC communities, which were subsequently evaluated scored by the TAC over the course of the summer and fall. These projects and proposed funding allocations are described in the Draft TIP document and will be forwarded to NHDOT for inclusion to the draft 2027-2036 Ten Year Plan by March 31, 2025.
Questions and comments can be directed to Craig Tufts at ctufts@cnhrpc.org or Mike Tardiff at mtardiff@cnhrpc.org, or by reaching us at 603 226 6020.
View the Draft 2027-2036 TIP here or visit the TIP page for more information.
NH Flood Safety Awareness Week
The New Hampshire Office of Planning and Development (NH OPD) is promoting flood safety awareness during the week of March 17-21. Much of the state has been under a flood watch since its premier (yesterday, Monday 03/17); and both Merrimack and Belknap counties are currently under a flood warning through tonight (03/18) until 10:00 PM. This makes it a great time to learn more about flood risk in your area and how to better prepare as we enter into the region’s wettest season.
Learn how to better prepare for flooding with the help of these resources:
• ReadyNH.gov | New Hampshire’s official source of information during statewide emergencies
• National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) Viewer | A great tool to determine the risk of flood in your area
• Flood Map Changes Viewer | A great tool to observe how floodplains in your area are changing with time
• National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) | Information on the acquisition and scope of flood insurance through the NFIP
2024 Traffic Count Data: Now Available
Traffic count data is now updated for years 2013-2024 and can be found here. To request historic traffic data, detailed traffic reports, or information on the upcoming 2025 data collection season, please contact mbaronas@cnhrpc.org.
The Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan Update for FY 2027-2036 is Underway!
CNHRPC, through its Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), is part way through its role in the bi-annual update the NH Department of Transportation Ten Year Plan (TYP). This involves soliciting and identifying transportation projects and priorities in the region, conducting conceptual engineering and cost estimates, and evaluating and scoring transportation projects to be considered for inclusion in the 2027-3036 TYP. CNHRPC is also soliciting confirmation of continued support of projects in the current NHDOT TYP (2025-2034), which includes projects in Concord, Hopkinton, and Hillsborough that were added in the previous round. For more information on the TYP, CNHRPC regional transportation priorities, or questions about local projects, please contact Craig Tufts.
NHAHA Transportation: Driving to Make a Difference – Volunteer Driver Initiative
“As part of an ongoing effort to help older adults in the Granite State live more independently, the New Hampshire Alliance For Healthy Aging (NHAHA) created the Volunteer Driver Initiative. The collaboration between NHAHA and 19 non-profit Volunteer Driver Programs (VDPs) has resulted in a state-wide recruitment campaign to attract new drivers to local and regional VDPs”. To learn more about this initiative and how you can make a difference, click here! You can also find NHAHA on Facebook, where recent posts on the VDI, such as this one, have been shared.
CNHRPC Regional Housing Needs Assessment
The CNHRPC Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) is available for review. As part of the project CNHRPC worked with The NH Office of Planning Development, the eight other NH RPCs, and Outwith Studio to develop the NH Housing Toolbox. The Toolbox can be found here.
To learn more about the project or to review the CNHRPC RHNA document please visit the project page: Central NH Regional Housing Needs Assessment.
Engaging with New Hampshire DOT: A Guide to Public Involvement
Discover how you can contribute to the development of your community’s transportation system with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation’s (NHDOT) guide on public involvement. Learn about the ongoing projects, how to participate in transportation planning, and the importance of your voice in shaping the future of transportation in New Hampshire. Your involvement matters! General Public | Department of Transportation (nh.gov)
Changes to RSAs Governing Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment Timelines
The NH Legislature has enacted several changes to Planning and Zoning RSAs that will impact how boards conduct business and timelines governing processes. Among these are the duration of time Planning Board’s have to act to deem an application complete and the consequences of missing such deadlines. Please see the summaries provided in the links below:
A description of the changes: https://www.nh.gov/osi/resource-library/legislation/documents/opd-nhma-hb-1661-1021-advisory.pdf
A table comparing the revised language to the previous language: https://www.nh.gov/osi/resource-library/legislation/documents/hb-1661-summarytable.pdf
U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer
The U.S. Census Bureau has released an interactive data map viewer for a variety of 2020 demographic characteristics. Be sure to zoom in to see county- and tract-level data!
2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer
CNHRPC Regional Transportation Plan Corridor Spotlights
As part of the RTP, eight regionally significant corridors throughout the region have been identified to examine closely for key demographic trends, recent and historic land use patterns, and specific transportation projects. Titled Corridor Spotlights, the draft versions of these can be seen below. Also available for viewing is a historical timeline of transportation development within the region. CNHRPC Regional Transportation Plan Draft Documents:
- Historical Timeline
- Corridor Spotlights
CNHRPC Community Profiles Have Been Updated
The CNHRPC Community Profiles have been updated with newly released 2014-2018 American Community Survey data! View them here!
CNHRPC Member Communities