Please Click Here if you would like more information on your local SRTS Committee Safe Routes to School programs enable community leaders, schools and parents across the United States to improve safety and encourage more children to safely walk and bicycle to school. In the process, programs are working to reduce traffic congestion and improve health and the environment, making communities more livable for everyone. Community leaders, parents, and schools across the U.S. are using Safe Routes to School programs to encourage and enable more children to safely walk and bike to school.

A few ways to keep children safe while they have   fun outdoors are to teach students to walk in   groups, make and distribute walking maps of the neighborhood, and reward students who walk or bike to school. Routes to school can be made safer with crosswalks and sidewalks.  Solutions don’t have to be expensive or complicated to help many students!

If you want to make it easier and safer for schoolchildren to walk or bicycle to school instead of getting dropped off by adults, visit the New Hampshire SRTS  Program and the National Center  for Safe Routes to School.  Both websites have information on how to get started making your school more accessible by bike or by foot.  You can also read about successful  programs and find many other resources for training and technical  assistance.

Three different SRTS grants are available:

  • Startup grants of up to $5,000
  • Comprehensive travel plan grants of up to $15,000 per school
  • General Grants of up to $250,000 per school ($100, 000 if school has not completed a comprehensive travel plan)

If you have questions about the program or would like to get started applying for a SRTS grant, please contact our office at (603) 226-6020 or e-mail us at .