CNHRPC Haz Mit Plan Program

The CNHRPC has been developing and updating high quality local Hazard Mitigation (Haz Mit) Plans for Central NH Region communities for over 20 years and counting, since the federal program’s inception in 2000. Nineteen out of our 20 member communities participate in CNHRPC’s program. Every five (5) years, a community’s Haz Mit Plan must be updated to current Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) Region 1 Boston’s Plan review requirements, and reviewed/approved by NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NH HSEM) and FEMA. The formal FEMA approval allows the community to apply for and receive FEMA mitigation project grant funding.

August 2011- Henniker Temple Road Bridge Washout
Municipal Hazard Mitigation Grants

Click here for FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant program types and eligibility and the accompanying FY15 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Guidance available to communities with a FEMA-approved (non-expired or non-lapsed) Hazard Mitigation Plan. Updated every few years, the FY-2015 information is the most recent available on the FEMA website as of October 2019.

FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Grant Programs
These often competitive grants provide funding for eligible mitigation activities (plans or projects) that reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages. The grants include the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM), and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA). Another important related funding source is the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG). They are all administered through our NH HSEM.

Has your Hazard Mitigation Plan expired or lapsed? If a disaster is declared in Merrimack or Hillsborough Counties, Public Assistance (PA) monies will become available to help with some municipal recovery projects, and some other grant programs may still be accessible with a lapsed Plan. However, if project funding is needed and your Haz Mit Plan has lapsed, the Town can still apply for the project funds once the updated Plan has been approved by HSEM. Contact our NH State Hazard Mitigation Officer at (603) 223-3627 for more information on grants for your community.

Additional Resources:

For more information on the CNHRPC Hazard Mitigation Plan Program, contact Stephanie Alexander, Senior Planner, at or (603) 226-6020.