CNHRPC maintains a wealth of natural resources, municipal, transportation, demographic, and other socio-economic data that can be displayed on maps. Some of these layers include:

 Natural Resources
  •  Soils
  • Wetlands
  • Conservation & Public Lands
  • Native Ecosystems
  • Digital orthophotos
  •  Tax parcels (where available)
  • Infrastructure (sewers, storm water drainage system, critical facilities,   etc.)
  • Zoning


  • Public transit routes
  • Traffic Counts
  • Roads with names and statutory, regulatory, and traffic engineering   attributes
 For more information about GIS or data services, please contact Craig Tufts
 GIS Services at the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission

CNHRPC provides GIS Services to its 20 member communities, and Federal, State and local agencies. CNHRPC has two employees that work on GIS projects. The services include extensive mapping, GIS Analysis, GIS Data creation, and update and maintenance for projects including open space plans, master plans, hazard mitigation plans, zoning updates, tax mapping, road base maps, and many others.


CNHRPC has received an ESRI Conservation Program grant for GIS Software.