CNHRPC represents 20 individual communities in the Central NH region, and has learned that although they are all very different, many of the challenges they face are very similar. We assist member communities in providing effective local government and work cooperatively with towns to address regional issues by looking at where we are today and where we want to be in the future. We assist in evaluating the trends and conditions in our region through public outreach efforts.
Recent projects include producing the Central NH Regional Plan to protect the region’s resources and guide its development, the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) designed to present economic data, identify strengths and weaknesses as well as projects and strategies to strengthen the local economy, develop the Central NH Regional Broadband Plan to guide others in understanding the availability and need for broadband now and in the future, and we will partake in the CNHRPC Brownfields Assessment Program to assess, and conduct reuse planning for brownfield sites in the region