The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is an advisory committee to the Central NH Regional Planning Commission. TAC members provide input on transportation related issues and the needs of the local and regional community in Central New Hampshire.
TAC Meetings are held on the first Friday of each month at a central location in the region.
Recommendations of the Central NH Regional Planning Commission related to transportation are based on technical expertise, community goals and objectives, and sound planning principles.
The TAC’s responsibilities include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
- Assist CNHRPC staff with the development of transportation related plans, programs and projects.
- Review and comment on transportation related reports and studies prepared by the CNHRPC staff or consulting staff.
- Maintain liaison between the CNHRPC, municipal and state officials and the general public regarding transportation planning.
The TAC consists of one voting member or designee from each town in the Central NH Region and two voting members from the City of Concord. In addition, a number of local and state agencies are represented on the TAC as non-voting members.